MeWe is probably the closest like for like replacement for Facebook, with similar features (minus the ads and spyware).
Also consider
If you are technically minded you could consider building and/or hosting a site for you and your friends. Projects like Friendica and Hubzilla could help with this.
Like Gatsby, Eleventy is a JavaScript based site generator, capable of collecting data from various sources. You should also see big improvement in build performance with Eleventy.
Also consider
For static site generators more broadly, also take a look at Astro and Hugo.
Vue is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, and has much in common with React. There are many such frameworks, but React and Vue are currently the most popular.
Also consider
If you are willing to try something less established, Svelte and Alpine.js both make for interesting alternatives.
Telegram is a messaging app, available for all popular platforms. It looks and feels a lot like WhatsApp, and can serve as a direct replacement for it.
Also consider
If WhatsApp wasn't a perfect fit in the first place, apps like Signal or Discord might better suit your needs.